A never ending quest for perfection sparked by the skills and dreams of one man, magnified by the vision and passion of his son, and advanced by the steadfast determination of his grandson.
The Shigeru Kawai line of grand pianos is a legacy. Born out of a single man’s desire to fulfil his father’s wish to build the best piano on earth, each Shigeru Kawai is crafted with the singular intent of perfection. This passion for excellence is second nature to every Shigeru craftsman; from initial design, to the selection of the finest materials, to the uncompromising industry that goes into the creation of each limited edition, handcrafted piano. And it is only with this level of commitment that an instrument, that can truly translate the joy of playing, is made.
Come, experience the Premier Piano of Japan.
Model – Shigeru Kawai Grand Piano SK-7
Dimensions –
Length – 7’6”
Width – 5’3”
Price – INR 55,80,000